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Kentucky Facts

Blurb: All Kentuckians benefit from trees and forests. Whether a dense stand of hardwoods in the east, a riparian forest along rivers in the west or a stately bur oak in the Bluegrass, every Kentuckian will breathe the clean air, drink the clean water, enjoy the wildlife and use the products derived from Kentucky forests. Kentucky has one of the most diverse hardwood species mix in the nation (second only to Florida), and Kentucky ranks in the top three nationally in hardwood production and ranks No. 1 in the South with sawlog and veneer production. - Division of Forestry Kentucky's Forest Facts
Total Area (ac): 25.9 million
Forest Land Area (ac): 12.4 million
Timberland Area (ac): 12.2 million
Private Ownership (%): 90% of timberland
Fact Source: FIA 2013 Survey